500 Words a Week - Sawubona / I See You


The Zulu word for hello.

But there is a deeper meaning behind Sawubona. 

It means “I see you”.

Something we find lacking in the modern world.

It is more than a mere greeting. It’s a way of bringing attention and presence into meeting another. To acknowledge that we see the value of another.

How often do we currently truly see another? Do we see them for all their beauty and faults, and appreciate them for both. How often do we understand another, do we see them as another person or merely another body we encounter?

We lost the ability to truly see in our modern world. To see another for who they are. We focus too much upon our own prejudices for how we see another and allow that to influence our experiences. Rather than looking to truly see. To truly seek to understand.

I like this phrase as I think it runs in contrast with the modern world we find ourselves in. One that is marked by busyness, rushing from point A to point B, from one meeting to the next. We never stop to see those around us. Upon meeting another, the default we have found ourselves thinking is what can this person do for me or what does this person want from me. Our default instead should be one of forming connections. Close bonds which start with seeing another for who they are. 

It also speaks to not allowing our own thoughts to influence who we think another is. Our mind is incredibly good at rushing to conclusions, and so we should be weary of this when interacting with others. We should devote our time, presence and attention to ensure we have seen another fully for who they really are. Not what our basic thoughts wanted us to believe. 

We look to see past the masks others hold up. Ones that they feel they need to wear to fit into the world around us. We see past this. We accept others for their flaws and their strengths, and love them equally because of both. 

Sawunbona encourages us to move beyond the surface based interactions. To try to really be present when talking with another. To throw ourselves fully into each encounter. It’s intensely powerful when we take the time to see another. To slow down the world around us. To step out of the rush everyone seems so desperate to stay in.

Flip the tables around. How often are you truly seen in your life? How often are you truly heard when voicing your thoughts and feelings? I’m sure we have all experienced a time when we haven’t felt heard or seen. We know we don’t like when we experience this feeling, so why would we do it to another?

The next time we see someone close to us, the next time we meet someone new, how can we embody the greeting “sawubona”?

How can we ensure we see another for who they truly are?


500 Words a Week - The Importance of Place


500 Words a Week - The Weight of Pretending