500 Words a Week - A Sombre Thought

Recently, I went for a walk along some cliffs with my fiancée. On the walk, at the edge of the high cliffs we saw a person lying down with 4 people around them. One holding their hand. As we got closer, we saw they were two police officers and two chaplains. We don’t like to make assumptions, but if we think about the worst thing that situation could be, it’s a sobering thought. As we walked along a little further, we thankfully seen everyone move away from the cliff and head back to the police car.

The message in this blog is at times we need to be kinder to ourselves. At times, we need to communicate with those close to us how we are feeling. We need to also get better at truly and genuinely asking those close to us how they are doing.

We need to be open about some of our experiences with how we’ve been feeling. I went to counselling during a time when I felt my lowest. I went to counselling because a close friend noticed how I was feeling and recommended I should reach out to a counsellor as it helped them so much. The counsellor I went to helped me greatly. Something I’ve mentioned on here in the past is that during the last session I had with the counsellor I was reflecting that I’m unsure if I ever would have gone if my friend hadn’t recommended going and been open about their journey. To which the counsellor responded that unfortunately not everyone is that lucky to have people close to them discuss openly how they went to receive help. That’s a reason why I bring it up here. To anyone reading this going through a low time, you’re not alone. Many of us have been there, many of us still go through those times. Many of us have gone to talk to someone which has helped greatly.

You wouldn’t think twice about going to a doctor with a bad cold, or a physio with a painful back. How come we view going to see someone to talk about how we are feeling the way we do? We attach a little stigma to it that needs to be removed.

I hope this is a reminder to be kinder to yourself, to reach out to those close to you, and seek help if you feel you need someone to talk to and are feeling stuck in a low time.


500 Words a Week - The Happiness Equation


500 Words a Week - Helplessness