500 Words a Week - A Life Analysis

How often do we sit and truly reflect upon how our life is going? How often do we take stock of how we are spending our time? Our most finite resource, in that once you spend it you never get it back.

The following is a shorted down version of a review I heard from Tim Ferris. For me, it’s about two important questions:

1, What do you do in your current day to day life that leaves you feeling invigorated, energised and happy?

2, What do you do in your current day to day life that rids you of your energy, that leaves you feeling lethargic and a little bit miserable inside?

Upon sitting down and thinking about these two questions, after putting pen to paper and identifying what both of these things are, we can move onto the next step. How can I go about doing more of number 1 and less of number 2?

On the topic of question 2, there will always be things we have to do that rid us of our energy a little. The trick is can we identify the ones that we can alter.

Some examples of things I’ve thought about:

For question 1:

Training with friends – try to do at least once a week now.

Reading good books – everyday.

Meeting up with people – have to improve, maybe every week/ second week. Need to be better at planning and communicating with those close to me around this.

Day off morning walks with fiancé – once a week, not allowed bring phone.

Travelling – visit a new place once a year.

Doing good work – contributing, having a purpose, helping others.

For question 2:

Reading bad books – before I would have tried to finish every book I purchased, now I’m more ruthless with what I read. If I’m not enjoying a book, I’ll move on. “Life’s too short to read bad books”.

Intensely negative/ pessimistic outlooks – unfortunately these conversations will always be a part of our life. However, we have to be careful about how much we contribute or take onboard these conversations. I know I can also get stuck in this mindset, viewing everything through negatively tinted sunglasses.

Over analysing – the debilitating trap we find ourselves in of over analysing ever interaction. Constantly replaying what we said or what was said to us in our head. Worrying if we came across ok, worrying did that person seem upset with us.

Binging chocolate – while it might be good for the soul in the moment, the awful feelings after eating several bars of chocolate isn’t worth it.

Too much time on phone - try to recognise when I’m doom scrolling, and do something else.

I found this exercise helpful in thinking how I want to spend my time better, it’s something I will be doing at least once a year.


500 Words a Week - You can’t control what others think about you


500 Words a Week - Perfection, the Hand-brake to Progress