500 Words a Week - Leaving My Job

In a previous blog post I discussed how at times we can sacrifice a lot for our work in the S&C industry. Over the course of this year I’ve been trying to think about ways in which I can be happier.

Over the past year or two, I’ve wanted to move to London, but never actually did much about it. I guess I was just waiting for an opportunity to come and fall in my lap. So I’ve now left my job, and have moved to a city I’ve wanted to live in. Sure it’s a risk, moving to a city with no job lined up, but I think life is about taking risks. Regardless if it works out or not, I’ll still learn something.

I think for the first time in a while, I’ve made a decision were I put my life ahead of my career. Of course, I’m trying to get another job within S&C here in London, but I don’t think I’ll be too worried if something doesn’t happen immediately. Within 2 minutes of random job searching, I came across a role as a store worker in a grocery shop here in London paying similar to what I was on before, so I won’t be stuck.

At the start I was anxious about not having work immediately set up, but then someone asked me the question “What’s the worst that can happen?”.  Well the worse that can happen for me is that I don’t get a role within S&C in the first month or so while I’m here, and have to get other work to keep me afloat while I’m looking for an S&C role. Does that really sound that bad? Not to me.

I think I had forgotten that I actually have control over my life and what I want to do and where I want to be. This can be easily forgotten within the S&C industry as we just take what we can and have to be grateful for whatever scraps are thrown our way.

Another element to why I’ve moved is that I got pretty bogged down this year, I think for people who truly know me, they would say that I’m a positive person but over this year I didn’t feel like that person anymore. I discussed this in a previous post.



500 Words a Week - Triphasic Training in Football


500 Words a Week - Slow Down