500 Words a Week - What No One Shows

No one shows the dark days. No one talks about when things went wrong. When something good has happened to us or when we feel great, that’s when we share ourselves and allow ourselves to become open. I’ve been guilty of this. There are moments that should be celebrated and shared. However, we need to be conscious of what’s not shared.

All we see are the good times, the exciting times, the new times. This has confused us. We think this is how we should be. We think we must live up to the expectations everyone else sets.

Everyone has bad days, everyone has times when they question everything they do. For some these might be more frequent than others.

We’re afraid to discuss when things might not be going as we hoped. We’re afraid if we talk about a bad day we had, that judgement will follow rather than listening.

We all have bad days. We can take solace in this. However, when the bad days outweigh the good. Or we have a significant period of bad days, we need to talk to someone. Or we need to do something.

An interesting quote I heard the other day is that you can’t think yourself out of a bad feeling. How often do we find ourselves just stewing in our emotions. Replaying things over and over in our head, creating worse and worse feelings. Often times, just doing something will reframe our mind and our feelings.

I’m writing this blog after an afternoon of feeling “meh” (very scientific term). For me feelings of “meh’, lead to eating poorly, which leads to more feelings of “meh”. I got half through two separate movies, unable to pay attention. The only thing that could hold my attention was aimlessly scrolling through my phone. Bringing on the thoughts described above.

After a while of this, I decided to try do something. So, I read some of a book that was beside me. Feeling more energetic, I started doing some other little jobs. Doing one thing, led to another, which led to another. Soon enough the “meh” feeling had subsided.

Remember, mainly everyone online is portraying an image, showing their best selves, but everyone has bad days. It’s ok to have these, however, as mentioned above, if these persist, we should talk to someone.


500 Words a Week - New Year’s Reflections


500 Words a Week - Assumptions and Biases