500 Words a Week - Rest & Recuperation

A very short blog post.

The majority of us may be in the off-season now, especially those that work in football. During this time, we encourage our athletes to have some much needed time off from their sport before starting to do some light training to lead them into preseason.

It’s important for us to also heed this message, do you give yourself a block of time to completely disassociate from your work?

Please read the below two exerts and take your rest:

“Our intellect is in some ways similar to this knife. Imagine if I used this knife all the time, to cut plastic, concrete, glass, metal, wood and stone, then it would soon become dull, unable to do its job effectively. If I let the knife rest in its sheath, on the other hand, except for when it was time to cut wood or bamboo, then it would do its job sharply, quickly and effectively for a long, long time.”

From “I may be wrong and other wisdoms from life as a forest monk” by Bjorn Natthiko Lindeblad. An enjoyable book.

The following exert is from Dan Pfaff’s weekly email last Christmas:


500 Words a Week - Maybe So, Maybe Not


500 Words a Week - Reflections from first season in the new role