500 Words a Week - Being Honest with Ourselves

We can read all the self-help books we want, and listen to all the podcasts discussing mental health, but there comes a time when it isn’t enough. When no matter what we do, we just can’t shake that feeling. It can be hard, but during these times we must admit we are struggling. We have to talk to those around us and tell them how we feel. We have to get help.

Recently, I had some of these feelings build up. I thought I was ok, until I wasn’t.

This is my second time going to counselling. Honestly, I feel slightly more ashamed going this time. From the outside, everything should be going well. I have a good job, I’m getting married to a wonderful woman, I’ve got some time off from work. However, feelings have been building. Culminating in an inability to do certain basic tasks due to a lack of motivation and energy. Resorting to binge watching Friends over and over again.

I was lying to myself. I was wrapping everything up, submerging everything down with the hope nothing would resurface.

I’m lucky. I have supportive people around me. I have people I can talk to about this. I have people who are open to sharing how they are feeling and their experiences.

For those who don’t have that, my message is that it’s ok. It’s ok to feel sad, it’s ok to feel anxious. It’s just when these feelings persist, we need to communicate with someone.

I’m weary sometimes of what certain things are leading us to believe. What certain books and podcast discuss, without being truly honest. How they discuss you can outwork anything. How if you just believe, you’ll be fixed. It’s not the truth. We see people portraying an image and think they have it together. Yet we don’t see the bad days. No one discusses or shares them.

If you had a lingering cold lasting for 2-3weeks, or a regularly reoccurring cold, you wouldn’t think twice about talking to a doctor about it. We need to apply the same logic to our mental wellbeing.

It’s time to be honest with ourselves. It’s time to place a true value on how we are feeling.

For anyone reading this who feels they don’t have a person to share with, send me a message. I’d also recommend the BetterHelp app.


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