500 Words a Week - An Unnerving Thought

If we look at Earth’s entire timeline and compress into one year, that being Earth was created on January 1st. Where do you think humans enter the picture?

Homo sapiens would first appear on December 31st at 23:36. Agriculture begins at 23:59, the industrial revolution begins at 23:59:58. Compressing the Earth’s entire timeline into a year, shows us how little time we have been around. If upon hearing this, you feel insignificant, you aren’t alone in that. Whatever you think is a big deal, seems like nothing compared to this timeline.

The point of this blog isn’t to make us feel insignificant compared to the timeline. It’s to make our problems and worries insignificant. For the most of us reading this blog, we are in a good place. However, we may have created problems for ourselves. We may have created stressors for the sake of stressors, incapable to just let ourselves be happy and go through the day to day. How often do we get worked up over something, then once it’s happened, we are annoyed at ourselves for allowing all that worry and stress.

Another point of this blog is why wait. We all have those conversations with ourselves telling us we must wait until … before we start …! One of these that I’ve thought in the past is trying to wait until I feel more secure in myself, thoughts and beliefs before sharing them through blog posts or other media forms. However, the process of sharing these has made me more secure than had I waited for someone unknown timepoint in the future which may have never even come. The above shows us how little time we have in the grand scheme of things. So why wait, why worry about what others will say when we have no idea how things will turn out over the next 50-100 years, which are reflected in less than a second upon looking at the above.

We are our own worst enemies, creating stress, creating negative thoughts, fearing what others think.

We all have heard the Chinese parable of the best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago, the second-best time is today. What’s important with this is that it isn’t thinking or stating you’re going to plant a tree; it must be the actual action of planting the tree. I’ve been terribly of guilty about thinking of grand ideas or stating certain things that I’m going to do, with little action taken. Sometimes from fear of other’s thoughts, sometimes from procrastination. Procrastination is probably a topic for another blog but being fearful and worrying what others will think is something with the above in mind we shouldn’t pay much attention too. If we fed into this and thought about what people would think of our every action/ pursuit, we would get nothing done.


500 Words a Week - For the First Time


500 Words a Week - The Forgotten Training Variables