500 Words a Week - A Year of Writing

I first started writing 500 words a week to share some of my thoughts around S&C and what I’m implementing/ learning. However, over the course of the year the blog has developed into discussing areas I had no intention originally talking about. This blog has been a great place for me to reflect and clarify some of my thoughts. To those who have regularly read it over the year, I thank you greatly and apologize for my woeful grammar and random trains of thought. As it has been a year of writing, I’m going to share two of the biggest learning moments from this year. I’ve wrote about both of these in the past so I will summarize and include links to them.

1, Seeking Help

Last year I got pretty bogged down, I began to increasingly not feel like my normal self. I was fine and functioning at work but once home I would sink into the cracks of the couch and hide there. There was a combination of factors behind why I believe I felt like this, the biggest was COVID wiping away any sense of normality, which everyone has felt. With support and encouragement of loved ones I started seeing a counsellor who helped greatly. My counsellor said many things that resonated with me, one is that I shouldn’t be afraid about sharing seeking help. One of the main reasons I went, was someone close to me had started going and recommended it to me. Hence why I will remain open about it for those who are on the fence about whether to go or not.

500 Words a Week - Languishing

500 Words a Week – Seeking Help

2, Leaving my Job

Over the summer I left my previous role to move to London to try and look for work. I had wanted to live in London for a few years, my girlfriend was moving back down so I decided to go with her. In the past I had always put career choices over personal choices, this was the first one in a while where I felt I was truly putting myself in front of my career. I got stuck in a place where I didn’t feel I had control over my life. I thought I had to just sit and wait until opportunities came to me, rather than being more aggressive about what I want to do or where I want to be. Luckily, the move worked out and I got a good role working with some wonderful people.

500 Words a Week – Leaving my Job

This time last year I said to myself in 2021 I was going to start caring less and getting less worried over the little insignificant things. My thought for 2022 is the following:

“Chance favours the prepared” – Louis Pasteur

What I’m taking from this is to try and be more conscious about being open to opportunity. The world is a weird and wonderful place, we never know what lies behind the door in front of us. One way we can guarantee forever not knowing is not even trying to open the door.


500 Words a Week - Fearing Absolutes


500 Words a Week - Stimulate - Adapt - Stabilize - Actualize